Here are Testimonials for the 2A12, 1AU, 30A12 (replaced with the 25A12) and the E-Car Charger (discontinued). We have so many testimonials that we stopped posting them years ago. Make sure to read them carefully, because you will see that the Tesla Chargers battery chargers and rejuvenators are doing something that no other company has figured out how to do!
“I’ve impressed a friend with the results I’ve been getting from my RC-2A12…”
– Peter K. Campbell

“Garage sale special for only $10 because throttle was broken and two 12V gel batteries were useless, which would not take a conventional charge. This bike costs $239 new. Maximum weight is 140 lbs. We test drove it with a 170lbs person up hills. It now works great after charging with two RC-2A12-2 chargers (one for each battery with fuse removed).”
– A Satisfied Customer!
“I have purchased two battery chargers… The first was 12V charger model # RC-2A12-2. After the success I had with the first charger, I purchased the universal rechargeable battery charger model #RC-1AU-120. I want to thank you for your fine products.
After purchasing the first charger this winter, I saw what it could do. I had an approximately 3 year old battery on my ATV. The battery would not stay charged after multiple attempts with an ordinary motorcycle battery charger. I could get the battery to start the ATV immediately after the charge, but by the next day, it was inoperable. After the Universal charger was used, the battery is as good as it was new. I have used it for months and it works impeccably.
When I heard that the company was coming out with a charger that would charge nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium, I was eager to purchase one. I was very impressed after a drill battery of mine was brought back to useable service. The battery was over 17 years old and was all but useless. It only gave a few minutes of service before becoming so weak it could not be used. I had given up on it and had laid it aside to be recycled or discarded. After using your charger, it is as good as new. It is powerful and useful.
Thank you for your excellent products. I am a very satisfied customer.”
– David L. Nichols, Whitefish, MT
“Been doing some testing on some 840 AH, lead acid glass batteries and 350 AH sealed Gel acid, this little charge has really improved their performance.”
“I just got one of your RC-2A12-2 chargers and LOVE it…”
– David J. A.
“I am very impressed with the charger! I had a 1,165 cranking amp excavator battery that wouldn’t even hold a charge for a few hours. After charging for 24 hours, I connected it to my Sun Danzer refrigerator. It has been running 3 days and the voltage is still 12.5!”
– Timothy Martin, Parishville, NY
“My car for several days was losing power on several electric functions like the lights and heater, etc. Finally one cold day the car could not start. The RC-2A12-2 charger was then used for one night restoring my battery to a useable condition. Forty days later I have not had any of those problems, even in extremely cold conditions.”
– Dan Ruthven, Goshen, IN

“I recently came across a 12volt deep cycle marine battery that was showing .09 volts across the terminals.
Even my Charger saw it as a dead short. I took a good battery and piggybacked it with the dead battery (see photo above). The Charger showed good charging, and the bad battery did not short the circuit because it was in parallel with the good battery. After 2 days the charger showed a full charge.
Amazingly the deep cycle battery that had been shorted was at 12.5 volts. The first time I used it I discharged it at 1 amp per hour, it put out 9 amps, bringing it down to 12.01 volts. this battery had been sitting outside for 7 years, had never been charged since we had purchased the device it came in, we had never needed it before.
I have been load cycling this battery for the past 2 weeks using it to power a 1 amp load, thru my watts up meter. Yesterday after the 6th cycle it had run for 24 hours, putting out 1 amp continuous and was at 12.14 volts. As of yesterday resting voltage is 12.86, it charges in 12 hours or so on the charger. Each cycle has brought the battery to a higher capacity. I can now run my 1 amp load 24hrs straight with 1 battery.”
– Tom Childs

“Have 50 out of the 80 batteries recharged and working great… All of them were at 5 to 6 volts when they were taken out of the battery backup unit and needed a good battery in parallel with it to turn on the charger. . . Load tested a few of them after a few cycles and they are right back up to their rated 9ah’s; and they hold their charge really good. The Charger is a great charger… See attached picture, only 30 batteries to go.”
– Jack

11 Charge/Discharge Cycles Completed on the Charger.
“See my latest results with the 12 amp hr SLA 12 volt battery. To say I am happy with the charger is the understatement of the year! I hope to do 18 cycles on the battery and call it a wrap unless it still significantly is improving as it still is now.
Just wanted to let you guys know that I received the charger and have put it to work about 100% of the time I’ve had it already. I had an old group 58 battery that was bone dry and 0.00 voltage. I added distilled water to all the cells and took it to Autozone to have them “quick charge” it up but it kicked off on the machine after 5 minutes due to high amps on three tries. They guaranteed me it was a bad battery. This quick charger was enough to get it to 11 volts so I was happy that now I could use the charger I purchased from you. I put it on and successfully charged up the battery to 12.5 volts in 12 hours. I let it sit dormant today and it ran down to 12.3 volts, I have put it back on the charger again for another 12 hours.
Its happily clicking away inside. 🙂 I have no doubt that this charger will save many more batteries like this and thus far its saved me $50 on that one battery.
My group 65 battery in my pickup would only charge up to 12.53 volts and was slow at cranking. The charger is happily working its magic on it as well and easily charged it to 13.2 volts and it fires off quickly now!
I’ll give you guys more definitive quantitative data and less subjective data once I have the CB2 load tester.”
– Chris A., Huntsville, AL
“I was waiting for my truck’s battery to finally die so I could test the charger on it. As the cold weather came in it was harder to start. The other day it didn’t start as it was below freezing. So I got the charger out for an opportunity to test it in a real life situation. And a few hours later the battery got a second life with only one charge. No problem starting it now in weather 10 degrees lower than that day. I expect to do this every six months or so for many years to come.”
– Rick Friedrich

“I Successfully revived 2 car batteries… (I have run it at 100% Duty Cycle since then, no problems). So I decided that I would hopefully add value to the data taking process by using the commercial professional product and restore some batteries in the process as claimed. Well I will say that there were times when I was starting to question myself for buying a $200 battery charger. But I pressed on and was most delighted, I have the print out slip from the Sun VAT45 battery tester which tested my 575CCA battery at a 580CCA rate and gave a state of charge report of 100%. … I am a firm believer now.”
– Francis, Seattle
“I have been making good progress on testing the RC-2A12-1. This little beauty has been going night and day for over a month now. It has been able to revive some junk 55Ah and 80Ah gel cells (after adding a little de-mineralized water to them), as well as charging up 12 x 130Ah deep cycle/marine lead-acid batteries.“
– A Satisfied Customer!
“I have been professionally charging batteries of all sizes for more than thirty years. I have even been a maintenance engineer in a battery factory and I have never seen any charger do what this charger can do.
I am doing a side by side comparison with a standard trickle charger against your charger using two identical batteries bought at the same time and applied to a common marine application running until replaced due to batteries only being at 40% capacity due to sulfation. I borrowed the twin 50 Ah deep cycle batteries from my NAPA distributor’s recycle pile for testing. The capacity was confirmed by a NAPA battery analyzer.
After six charge discharge cycles I have found your charger to use only half the amp draw as the standard trickle charger and the 2A12 charged battery last longer and longer each discharge cycle; at last count it last 3 hours and 10 minutes longer with same load applied. Let me break it down for you. It cost me half the money compared to the conventional trickle charger to get 3 hours and ten minutes longer charge…“
– A Satisfied Customer!

“I own a 2A12 charger. I have been using it for close to 2 months, using it to restore a pair of Trojan t125 batteries wired in series so the charger sees 12 volts. at the beginning of my process testing this charger I purposely chose to test the charger on batteries I knew were not good.

All of the cells in one battery would not go above 1.200 specific gravity and the other battery had 1 cell that was dead, below 1.100 specific gravity, and would not come back. The dead cell had that dirty muddy look in the electrolyte you get from a bad cell. Both of these batteries had been force charged with a Christie charger, and equalized with a computer controlled electronic 30 amp charger. I have a fleet of vehicles that use these batteries, I maintain 80 of these units on a weekly basis and have done so for over a decade.
I began charge/discharge cycling, at first I was disapointed, but after 2 months of charging each time until there is no change in the specific gravity, then drawing down with a 12 amp load (3 automotive headlights) thru a “watts up” meter that logs watt hours and joules, these batteries have come to life, and actually are getting stronger, producing more work. each time I cycle them down to the same voltage.
Resting voltage after charging and allowing a day for sag, is above 13.5 and specific gravity is above 1.310 in 5 of the six cells. as I continue to use this little charger, I am confident I will be able to restore more batteries, and when their big charger comes out, I will be buying it too, so I can charge and desulfate more batteries at a time. restoring these two batteries that I could no longer use, saved me almost 200 dollars, the cost of replacing them. My little charger is working wonders!!”
– Tom
“I want to do more testing but from what I have experienced with the 2A12 charger – it is a SUPER WINNER! On one of my batteries, I saw a 15% increase in runtime using a load over just the last charging. I am really impressed. Keep up your good work!“
– A Satisfied Customer!

Partial Reclaiming of old sulfated Daimler Chrysler Corp. 500 cold cranking amps.
“This little charger, however small and undersize it may seem is really quite a workhorse! In just 6 cycles it has restored this battery to a remarkable level. I might add that the battery has maintained its charge for several days, no fluctuation. Seeing is believing. These kind of results are unheard of! I definitely believe there are huge savings to gain using this technology.”
– Harold Weaver, Wyoming MI
“I am glad you could place such great products as the RC-1AU on the global market place already!…
Could start using the charger from January 23, 2009 in Tokyo Japan. It rejuvenated 4 Sealed Lead Acid batteries by “Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd.”, type PORTALAC PXL12090 12V/9AH which were running already 5 Years in an APC Smart UPS 1500VA. According to the APC Smart unit battery status indicator these batteries had to be replaced this January.
Charged all 4 batteries separately in charge mode 5, 12V 2-4AH successfully – taking about 40 Minutes each. They are back in use in the APC Smart UPS.
On the 31st of January rejuvenated two 10 year old NiMH cells in my Philishaver 3870 which wouldn’t hold charge anymore in the normal way. Since 3 years ago this electrical shaver could only be used attached to the grid. Now it can be used cordless again with sufficient driving power.
On the 1st of February 2009 rejuvenated a Sanyo 2.4V/600mAh NiCd batterypack of an old Sanyo cordless phone set picked up from from the garbage collection depot of our mansion dated 2000/July.
These batteries were especially interesting to test because both 1.2V cells were showing 0V on the Volt meter. This might be the reason why the previous Japanese owner had thrown his phone set away. Trying to charge them would cause the charge indicator flash in red.
Per advise from the RC-1AU manual kept the VDB button pressed for 60 seconds after which the charge indicator went into solid red! A few hours later it went green and the Voltmeter’s reading was 2.6 V instead of zero!
I use the pack now in our own 5 year old Sanyo cordless phone set for endurance testing. This more than 8 year old pack was almost doomed to be recycled in a more destructive way. Don’t regret took it out from the garbage collection depot.
On February 2, charged a 7.2V @160mAh battery pack from an electric model helicopter, picked up from the garbage collection depot (based on 6 GP Batteries NiMH 16AAAM cells) successfully in charge position 1. With this powerpack charged this way this model helicopter can fly again.”
– Fred J.G. , Tokyo Japan
“I purchased an RC-1AU , and have used it on everything in the house that is rechargeable. Cordless telephones, Ski-Doo Electric divers propeller, and especially the newer longer lasting Nickel-metal-hydride batteries, all kinds of cordless power tools. The claims hold up for the increased run times too! 2 – 2.5 times the normal run time is typical. Finally, electronics have made the transfer from being limited to electrical engineering that has been held in a lobotomized state for the past 120 years !!! If I was not a disabled veteran, I would be sending you my resume.”
– Alexander J. Federowicz, U.S.A.F., D.A.V., BROOKSVILLE, FL.
“I wish to thank you for your great products…
First, I found the large 30 amp system was going to pay itself out in literally no time. My intention was to build a solar bank and try to keep the costs down. Frankly, common sense says that spending $1,500 for a battery charger is a bit contrary to that effort. However, after taking the time to put a half dozen lead-acid batteries that were non-functional, back into service—I saw that I could find and bring into service older discarded batteries for a “near free” battery bank for my solar system. I am now doing that. The ‘repair’ time on these batteries has ranged from 12 hours on a smaller lead acid battery, to 4 days on a ‘pair’ of T105 Trojan batteries that are part of this solar build.
While this was going on, I started using the 1AU on my cordless tool batteries that were no longer functional—the ones that I kept hoping some day to replace the batteries in.
What I found was that some of these batteries (the ones that would no longer drive my tools at all) were “open”, that is to say, they could not give or receive current. I did a couple of ‘dissections’ and found that the commercial chargers had driven off the electrolyte leaving the batteries unable to take a charge—these I discarded at a Home Depot. The other batteries for these power tools– I have completely ceased using the manufacturer’s charger on and only use the 1AU to charge them.
The batteries charged with the 1AU have come back to full (or better) power, and they seem to run longer and produce more work while running. I am more than satisfied with this unit.
So, suffice it to say that I am way ahead economically with the purchase of your two separate battery chargers. They were well worth the expense. I have also gained some economic freedom in their use.”
– David Luke
“I have received the rc-1au charger this week. It work’s beautifully, i have resurected some dead aaa nimh battery. . . Well I suppose I am one of the first in France to have this beauty. . . I wish you the best for these products.”
– Toussaint Francois, France
“Excellent results, as you say just give the charger time and the battery is sorted – great. After Christmas I will be considering purchasing 3 more chargers.”
– Ray Atkins, Cork, Ireland
“My small company has spent a lot of money on cordless drills over the past 10 years, just to get new batteries.
My manufacturing company has been using the 1AU charger for our five year old 14.4V cordless drill batteries. 6 out of 8 batteries are performing like new. The $320 charger saved me over $600 in new batteries.
The 1AU charger is the only charger I allow employees to use on any battery. All traditional chargers are boxed up and sitting on the shelf. Everyone is simply amazed. Friends and family started bringing in old batteries… I’ve started telling them to “get their own charger”.
Thank you guys for bringing such and innovative line of products to market!”
– Steve Wygant,
“My latest battery testing results are nothing short of historic (in my opinion).
Battery Charger used; (model no. 1AU Universal Rechargeable Battery Charger)
Batteries tested; Sanyo Eneloop AA (world’s first pre-charged rechargeable battery and widely considered to be the longest lasting batteries in the world)
Results so far; After 2 charge cycles the picture-taking capacity has gone from 500+/- (on the original charge) to about 1000+/- and getting better.
…THIS, and THIS alone could be the foundation for a completely new ‘green’ movement and usher in an era of TRUE sustainability.”
– Jason Anthony, BC
“I have purchased two battery chargers… The first was 12V charger model #2A12. After the success I had with the first charger, I purchased the universal rechargeable battery charger model #1AU. I want to thank you for your fine products.
After purchasing the first charger this winter, I saw what it could do. I had an approximately 3 year old battery on my ATV. The battery would not stay charged after multiple attempts with an ordinary motorcycle battery charger. I could get the battery to start the ATV immediately after the charge, but by the next day, it was inoperable. After the charger was used, the battery is as good as it was new. I have used it for months and it works impeccably.
When I heard that the company was coming out with a charger that would charge nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium, I was eager to purchase one. I was very impressed after a drill battery of mine was brought back to useable service. The battery was over 17 years old and was all but useless. It only gave a few minutes of service before becoming so weak it could not be used. I had given up on it and had laid it aside to be recycled or discarded. After using your charger, it is as good as new. It is powerful and useful.
Thank you for your excellent products. I am a very satisfied customer.”
– David L. Nichols, Whitefish, MT
“My father in-law is absolutely in love with his 1AU. The battery in his electric weed eater has increased charge density (based on running time) of about 110% after just 8 or 9 charge cyles. We have charged all manner of 12v & 18v tool batteries, back-up power supply batteries, 1,000,000 candlelight power flashlight batteries, cordless phone battery packs, etc. The results are just stunning and it won’t be long before every guy I know will have one or want one.
By the way we’re also charging the latest and greatest NiMH batteries produced by Sanyo called Eneloop(google it). The world’s 1st pre-charged rechargeable battery product. They claim that they’re battery will retain at least 80% of it’s initial charge capacity after 1 year’s time. Of course that mean’s they’ve already resigned us to a dying product but it will die more slowly. OK. My 1st set of batteries lasted for 285 pictues in my brand new digital camera on their original charge. So after 1 year I should still get about 228 pictures per conventional charge.
That’s not bad I guess, except that after one charge on the 1AU the batteries lasted for 513 pictures. I’ve only just charged it a second time, so I’m snapping away again. Who would’ve thought that charging batteries could be this much fun!”
– Jason Anthony & Mark Lyon, Vancouver, BC
“I’m glad to say that I have received my new universal charger and have successfully revived a 7.6V cordless drill battery.”
– Greg

“I have attached a graph showing the results of testing the 1AU.
The testing was done on a 5 year old 18V 2.4Ah NiCd portable drill battery.
Whilst the battery still has one shorted cell and one weak cell (out of 15 cells), the 1AU was able to recover this battery that would not hold a charge with the original charger. After firstly charging on a lower (12V) setting where only 10 cells were visible I was then able to charge the battery on the full 18V setting where the battery’s capacity increased by over 250%! This battery was destined for the dump, but has now been placed back in service – saving over $200 that would have been spent to replace it.”
– John K., Australia
“I received it and put it test right away! I was able to recharge an old and tired Porter Cable 18V battery and even after the first charge I can tell it’s got more guts than it should have normally. So far great product.”
– Jean
“Wow! I can’t believe the power that is now in that battery. It was a weak drill before. I had to push so much harder than I do now. I am so impressed. So amazing.”
– Joan Reed, Coeur D’Alene
“I recently bought one of your 30A12 units. I wanted you to know that it has now brought four of my eight unusable, highly sufated batteries back to life. It took two or three cycles to do so. Now I am going to apply it to the other six batteries (Trojan T105 deep dishcharge). Thank you for making it possible for me to reclame these batteries and keep another 16 batteries (newer) working well.”
– Don Thornton
I have had a 24A12 charger for about 2 weeks in my shop. We have been charging all kinds of different batteries with it. The battery distributor guy put a $500 tester on a battery that had been sitting for 48 hours after being charged and it was missing 20% of its lead. But it then read 125% of its capacity. So we loaded it three times with the meter to make sure there was no surface charge to give a false reading. On the third time it only took 45 seconds to recover rather than 3 minutes it usually takes for normal batteries. This battery was a 2001 around 850 CA from a dual battery diesel Dodge 2001 with Cummins. We loaded it three more times and it was fine. So at that point the local battery distributor said “when do I get one?”
So now everyone is just dropping batteries off at the shop and the charger is running constantly. Anything that is mechanically sound will recover so far. Some batteries take 12 hours and a few will take about 3 days.
It is getting to be a pain because I am spending my time restoring everyone’s batteries instead of doing other work!”
– Gordon Ormesher
“I have a loader with two big batteries that wouldn’t take a charge. I charged them for 10 hours but next morning batteries were low. Put both on the Rejuvenator, one came back and other was twice as good. The one battery did not come back to its full rating.
I had two more truck batteries from Napa that were Exide truck batteries that would not take a charge. Now they are still holding charge just like brand new. They are 5 or 6 years old.”
– Frank Reed, Reed Enterprises, Inc., Hayden, Idaho
“The vehicle’s range when new was 98.7 kilometers. The battery is 9 months old.
- Test 1 using (name brand) regular onboard charger was 68.1 kms
- Test 2 using E-Car was 78.5 kms
- Test 3 using E-Car was 79.2 kms
- Test 4 using E-Car was 81.6 kms
- Test 5 using E-Car was 85.7 kms
…Now for the good part
- Test 6 using E-Car was 80.2 kms
- Test 7 using E-car was 104.8 kms
…I can’t work that one out. The battery wouldn’t go flat. The testing routine is becoming more precise with time, not less…”
– Bruce Henderson, Kaitaia, Northland, New Zealand
“…Doubled the mileage of the wore-out batteris in my 96V Suzuki conversion after only 1 week!”
– Frank Reed, Hayden, Idaho
“26 miles was done after the (name brand, onboard conventional) charge, 33 and 41.5 are the two drives after charging on your charger.
The initial range of this vehicle was 60 miles but was fallen off dramatically in the last few months. It looks like the trend is being reversed. I am now finding some interesting things. Low batteries are going from what I would call “bad” to performing in sync with the other batteries in the pack.”
– Zach Tyler, Lafayette, Colorado